Dear fellow human beings,
Now, back to face the challenges of mankind. Who barbaric cruelty
hard to imagine going on every day. An evil force is
working to destroy us. Vice devil does not respect
...whatsoever, even though the child's life. Each day the bomb exploded, each
day innocent people are targeted and murdered. It seems we do not
helpless. But apparently not!
Teacher ancient China, Sun Tzu says, "Know your enemy and you would not be defeated." Well,
if we know our enemy? If not, then we are cursed.
Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool, but the
terrorists kill for an ideology. They call that ideology Islam.
The whole world, Muslims and non-Muslims, saying that terrorists
has been holding "a religion of peace" and that Islam prohibits
Who's right? Are the terrorists who better understand Islam,
or those who condemn the terrorists? The answer to this question is
key to our victory, and failure to find the key means
the fate of our defeat and bad luck. The key is IN QURAN AND HISTORY OF ISLAM.
Those who really know Islam, know also that the definition of terrorist
about Islam is the most correct. Terrorists only followed the example
vicarious and encouraged by their prophet. Murder, rape,
assassination, beheading, ethnic cleansing (the massacre) and humiliation
fellow man dead, all for "bringing the coolness in the hearts of people
believers "and they all practiced Mohammed, all taught by him
and all Muslims emulated their history.
It is time we face the bitter facts. This is our time
search for root causes and to eradikasinya. The roots of Islamic terrorism
is ISLAM. The proof? Just read the Koran.
We are a group of ex-Muslims who have seen evil's face it
and we're now up to warn the world. How pahitpun
truth, only truth will free us. ... Can only truth sets us free. So, for
What we still reject the reality? Why is stubborn? How many lives
longer have to fly before YOU open your eyes?
We urge Muslims to
leave Islam. Stop all the excuses, and yustifikasi
rationalization. Stop the division of mankind into "us" vs.
"They" or Muslim vs. Infidels. We are ONE human race! Mohammed
NOT the messenger of God. It's time we stop this foolishness and
face reality. The terrorists get moral support and
legitimation of their actions
people like you. Taste glory at the cult of death is like a statement
agree on their crimes.
We also urged non-Muslims afraid of insulting Muslims
stop this preamble. To hell with sensitivity Muslim! Let us
save their lives and the lives of millions of innocent people.
Millions, even billions of lives will be lost if we stand idly
hand. Time is running out. "All it
takes for evil to Triumph is for good people to do nothing. "(What
wherewithal to ensure the victory of evil is with good people
do not do) Do something! Send this message to blindly all the names
telponmu commonplace and ask them to forward this message. Beat
Islam and you will defeat terrorism. It's your world, save!
Ex-Muslim Movement
www.faithfreedom.orgLihat Selengkapnya
Now, back to face the challenges of mankind. Who barbaric cruelty
hard to imagine going on every day. An evil force is
working to destroy us. Vice devil does not respect
...whatsoever, even though the child's life. Each day the bomb exploded, each
day innocent people are targeted and murdered. It seems we do not
helpless. But apparently not!
Teacher ancient China, Sun Tzu says, "Know your enemy and you would not be defeated." Well,
if we know our enemy? If not, then we are cursed.
Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool, but the
terrorists kill for an ideology. They call that ideology Islam.
The whole world, Muslims and non-Muslims, saying that terrorists
has been holding "a religion of peace" and that Islam prohibits
Who's right? Are the terrorists who better understand Islam,
or those who condemn the terrorists? The answer to this question is
key to our victory, and failure to find the key means
the fate of our defeat and bad luck. The key is IN QURAN AND HISTORY OF ISLAM.
Those who really know Islam, know also that the definition of terrorist
about Islam is the most correct. Terrorists only followed the example
vicarious and encouraged by their prophet. Murder, rape,
assassination, beheading, ethnic cleansing (the massacre) and humiliation
fellow man dead, all for "bringing the coolness in the hearts of people
believers "and they all practiced Mohammed, all taught by him
and all Muslims emulated their history.
It is time we face the bitter facts. This is our time
search for root causes and to eradikasinya. The roots of Islamic terrorism
is ISLAM. The proof? Just read the Koran.
We are a group of ex-Muslims who have seen evil's face it
and we're now up to warn the world. How pahitpun
truth, only truth will free us. ... Can only truth sets us free. So, for
What we still reject the reality? Why is stubborn? How many lives
longer have to fly before YOU open your eyes?
We urge Muslims to
leave Islam. Stop all the excuses, and yustifikasi
rationalization. Stop the division of mankind into "us" vs.
"They" or Muslim vs. Infidels. We are ONE human race! Mohammed
NOT the messenger of God. It's time we stop this foolishness and
face reality. The terrorists get moral support and
legitimation of their actions
people like you. Taste glory at the cult of death is like a statement
agree on their crimes.
We also urged non-Muslims afraid of insulting Muslims
stop this preamble. To hell with sensitivity Muslim! Let us
save their lives and the lives of millions of innocent people.
Millions, even billions of lives will be lost if we stand idly
hand. Time is running out. "All it
takes for evil to Triumph is for good people to do nothing. "(What
wherewithal to ensure the victory of evil is with good people
do not do) Do something! Send this message to blindly all the names
telponmu commonplace and ask them to forward this message. Beat
Islam and you will defeat terrorism. It's your world, save!
Ex-Muslim Movement
www.faithfreedom.orgLihat Selengkapnya
10 Agustus jam 6:49 · · 3 orangLaskar Kristus Pembela Kebenaran dan Kapal Kertas menyukai ini. ·

Yth sesama umat manusia,
Kini, umat manusia kembali menghadapi tantangan. Kekejaman biadab yg
...sulit dibayangkan berlangsung setiap hari. Sebuah kekuatan iblis sedang
bekerja utk menghancurkan kami. Wakil2 iblis ini tidak menghormati
apapun, bahkan nyawa anak2 sekalipun. Setiap hari bom meledak, setiap
hari orang2 tidak bersalah ditargetkan dan dibunuh. Nampaknya kami tidak
berdaya. Namun ternyata tidak !
Guru Cina kuno, SUN ZI, mengatakan, "Kenalilah musuhmu dan kau tidak akan dikalahkan". Nah,
apakah kami mengenal musuh kami ? Jika tidak, maka terkutuklah kami.
Terorisme bukan sebuah ideologi, melainkan sebuah alat; namun para
teroris membunuh demi sebuah ideologi. Mereka menyebut ideologi itu, Islam.
Seluruh dunia, Muslim maupun non-Muslim, mengatakan bahwa teroris
telah menyandera "sebuah agama damai" dan bahwa Islam melarang
Siapa yg benar ? Apakah para teroris yg lebih baik mengerti Islam,
atau mereka yg mengutuk teroris ? Jawaban pada pertanyaan ini adalah
kunci kemenangan kami, dan kegagalan menemukan kunci itu berarti
kekalahan dan kenaasan nasib kami. KUNCINYA ADALAH DALAM QURAN DAN SEJARAH ISLAM.
Mereka yg benar2 tahu Islam, tahu juga bahwa pengertian para teroris
tentang Islam adalah yg paling benar. Teroris hanya mengikuti contoh2
yg dilakukan dan didorong oleh nabi mereka. Pembunuhan, pemerkosaan,
asasinasi, pemenggalan, ethnic cleansing (pembantaian) dan penghinaan
terhdp orang2 mati, semuanya utk "membawa kesejukan di hati orang2
beriman" dan semuanya dipraktekkan Muhamad, semuanya diajarkan olehnya
dan semuanya dicontoh Muslim sepanjang sejarah mereka.
Inilah saatnya kami menghadapi fakta pahit. Inilah waktunya kami
mencari akar permasalahan dan meng-eradikasinya. Akar terorisme Islam
adalah ISLAM. Buktinya ? Baca saja Quran.
Kami adalah sekelompok ex-Muslim yg sudah melihat wajah iblis itu
dan kami kini bangun utk memperingatkan dunia. Seberapa pahitpun
kebenaran, hanya kebenaran akan membebaskan kami. ... only truth can set us free. Jadi, utk
apa kami masih menolak kenyataan ? Mengapa keras kepala ? Berapa nyawa
lagi harus melayang sebelum KAU membuka matamu ?
Kami mendesak Muslim agar
meninggalkan Islam. Hentikan segala alasan, yustifikasi dan
rasionalisasi. Hentikan pembagian umat manusia kedalam "kami" vs.
"mereka" atau Muslim vs. Kafir. Kami adalah SATU umat manusia ! Muhamad
BUKAN rasul Allah. Sudah waktunya kami menghentikan ketololan ini dan
menghadapi kenyataan. Para teroris mendapatkan dukungan moral dan
pengabsahan tindakan mereka dari
orang2 spt kamu. Rasa hormatmu pada cult kematian ini bak pernyataan
setuju akan kejahatan mereka.
Kami juga mendesak agar non-Muslim yg takut menghina Muslim
menghentikan basa-basi ini. PERSETAN dgn sensifitas Muslim ! Mari kita
selamatkan hidup mereka dan hidup jutaan orang2 tidak bersalah.
Jutaan, bahkan milyaran nyawa akan hilang kalau kami berpangku
tangan. Waktu hampir habis. "All it
takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." (Apa
yg diperlukan utk menjamin kemenangan iblis adalah dgn orang2 baik
tidak melakukan apa2) Lakukan sesuatu ! Kirim pesan ini kpd semua nama
dlm buku telponmu dan minta mereka utk meneruskan pesan2 ini. Kalahkan
Islam dan kau akan kalahkan terorisme. Ini duniaMU, selamatkanlah !
Gerakan ex-Muslim
Dasar kepercayaan iman muslim dibangun diatas dusta,kebohongan dan teror pembunuhan yang biadab dimana saat zaman dan waktu sudah berubah kebenaran yang ada diungkapkan dan tidak bisa dihalangi ataupun dibendung serta kejahatan pembunuhan sudah dapat diantisipasi dan diminimalkan maka saat itu juga ambang kehancuran islam akan terjadi dan pada saatnya islam akan lenyap dan ini pasti terwujud.